Pietos: Dependable and affordable background verification service

Look for small wins if larger ones seem far – Barsha Chakkarbortty, Pietos

Reliability and trust are two vital components to run a firm successfully. In every domain, these are the most sought after traits to make things work in the favor of a company. To this end, background verification is a quintessential element. In recent times, the need of background verification has increased owing to rising fraud cases. So, people have been looking for a tried and tested background verification service provider. And Delhi based Pietosbrings a ray of hope to numerous people.

Pietos is a leading provider of background verification services, providing the most dependable, compliant and cost effective background screening solutions in India. Its services include employee background screening, vendor partner screening, insurance and KYC verifications etc. Today Pietos has a client base of over 50 clients and many more who have been with the company since its inception.

We talked to Barsha Chakkarbortty, founder of the company and asked how she manages to run firm smoothly. We asked her who has been her helping hand in her journey. She says,” I have been fortunate enough to get support of my family in every step I took.”With her family’s support she has been able to achieve many milestones. “Without them, I would not be able to give so much time to Pietos. There are days when I work for more than 11 hours at work and then again start off when everyone at home has slept. A huge part of my success can be attributed to my mother who has anchored my family while I have been away at work”, she says.

Family Support and Team work

She feels to be very lucky to have an extremely supportive family (and each one of them has played an immense role in helping her where she is), great circle of friends and lots of good books. But largely, early mornings, followed by productive work hours and coming back home and switching off work while her family is around is what has helped her remain balanced.

She never misses out on making a work-life balance. “Although an entrepreneur cannot not think about work all the time and I have had thoughts coming in at the most strangest of times, it’s important to prioritize and know when to switch off, a habit I learnt from my father very early in life. Health is a priority and I try to plan my next day the night before”, she asserts.

She has imbued the characteristics of a true leader. She tries to involve the team on most of the decisions. There are some decisions which she needs to take herself such as that related to client management, finances, strategies to achieve goals/ visions etc.

The company has adopted very innovative ideas. At Pietos, early on during the pre-joining process, the company asks new hires to share their ideas. It’s a priority and the company makestime to hear each one of them. It regularly conducts idea sessions at work and discuss and implements new creative ideas that benefit the business.

The core values are most important for this Delhi based company which holds the key to high growth. The company feels that there is no satisfaction in achieving your vision compromising on values.

Battling the orthodox mindset

We asked about her views on the patriarchal mindset and the challenges women entrepreneurs are facing. She says, “Today’s business world is no longer a man’s world. Sadly, a lot of us still think that it’s easier to push a woman and dare her. What patriarchy has done is to convince people that a strong and intelligent woman represents a problem. Navigating career and motherhood is another big problem that sets many women back in their career graph. Pay gaps are rampant and not much is being done on that front.”

However, she has kept herself clear of such negativity. She continuously challenges her comfort zone and sets the bar higher.“My father’s switch off and switch on strategy works wonders for me”, she asserts.

Her grit and determination to overcome them has helped her sail all the challenges.Running a successful business has always been her dream and since childhood she passionately worked towards making her dream come true.

It’s a lot of hard work and continues to be that way along with an immense responsibility. But a positive mind and determination has helped her keep going. Roadblocks in the form of situations and people come along the way but don’t get bogged down. You are here for a bigger goal and don’t give it up for anything.

She has an advice for aspiring women entrepreneurs.She says, “Follow your dreams even if the whole world tells you it’s impossible. Every time you fall, start all over again but do not give up. If you can dream it, you can build it. On a micro level, scrap what is not working, look for small wins if larger ones seem far, plan in advance and be motivated.”

If you have an idea and you are convinced about its need in the community or world at large, then no matter what someone says, just go for it. Don’t get bogged down by what others say. What matters to you is your belief and your eagerness to build something.

Business View

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