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These days most business leaders view business in the narrow context of revenue and profits. Very few revolutionary business leaders recognize that business enterprise can be an instrument for global peace and harmony. While most business leaders measure their success through money, revolutionary business leaders measure their success with the positive impact it makes on global peace, harmony and global understanding. Today we are going to talk about one such business leader who think beyond monetary gains. Mr. Hiten Bhuta of CGS Infotech is one such leader with revolutionary ideas on using business enterprise as the core instrument for lasting global peace, harmony, partnership and collaboration.
FrédéricBastiat famously claimed that “if goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will.” Bastiat argued that free trade would promote global peace & harmony. In “Peace Through Trade or Free Trade” professor Patrick J. McDonald, from the University of Texas at Austin, empirically tested whether free and fair trade can reduce conflict & war between nations. His conclusion after reviewing 40 years of data: The more freely a country trades, the fewer wars it engages in. Industry bodies, chamber of commerce and business associations that promote free & fair trade also promote global peace & harmony.
When Mumbai-based entrepreneur & CEO of CGS Infotech, Hiten Bhuta, founded Sakar Foundation for global peace & harmony, he used his leading role in FICCI and US-IIC to improve international trade for global peace.
In May-2012, Hiten represented India & spoke at Prestigious Indo-Arab Conference in Abu Dhabi and passionately advocated greater engagement between India & Arab world. This program was attended by Foreign Ministers & business leaders from over a dozen Arab countries.
In Sep-2012, Hiten was requested to be the leader of the delegation of FICCI, for important delegation to Oman and Qatar. Hiten played leading role as speaker, panelist & judge, in the success of this important event by selected business leaders for appropriate role, providing training & scheduling the program. Several important business deals were signed at this event.
In Oct-2013, Hiten led FICCI delegation to Qatar & Kuwait. This delegation consisted of senior business leaders from wide spectrum of Indian industry. International media and trade bodies appreciated Hiten’s leadership & effective presentation.
In Dec-2016, Hiten represented India as speaker on Innovation at Indo-Arab Partnership event in Muscat, Oman. He urged Oman and international community to use innovation as growth engine for economic development & prosperity.
In March-2017, Hiten presented strong understanding and analysis of India’s growth story at International Symposium on India’s strategy for growth and development.
Hiten continues to expand research on emerging technologies that has power to shape the coming decades. In Jan-2018, Hiten worked as Technology Partner for FICCI’s International BlockChain Event MTech 2018 held at Mumbai, India. Hiten’s team created entire digital marketing strategy, responsive website & online registration in record time leading to greater success of this event. At this event, Hiten also published research report on innovative applications and user-case scenarios for block-chain technology.
In July-2017, Hiten provided innovative report on BRICS ICT Development Agenda & Action Plan for the BRICS Communication Minister’s meeting held in Hangzhou, China on 27th and 28th July 2017.
In April-2014, Hiten participated in creating a report focusing on recommendations, to the government of India, on ICT adoption in cities. Objective of “i-Nagar” report is summarized as “Leveraging ICT to build sustainable cities of tomorrow resulting in an improved quality of life of its citizens.” The report will delve deep into crucial areas of City Planning & Management space where IT can play a prominent role, viz. 1) Power; 2) Transportation; 3) Water & Waste Water Disposal; 4) Solid Waste Disposal, and 5) Security.
On 16-Sep-2015, Hiten participated in important discussion with Additional Secretary Electronics & Information Technology Dr Ajay Kumar on Pathways for Digital India and presented a report with his ideas on Digital India Program. Commenting on his tireless efforts over the last two decades in building International Trade, HitenBhuta said, “There are many factors that divide the world. Trade & Commerce has proven to be the most effective unifying factor that binds world in peace & harmony. Indian culture has always believed in the idea of VasudaivKutumbak – we are a global family”
Through the course of his global travel and global trade deals, Hiten observed that Indian spiritual values and institutions & movements like Yoga, Art of Living, SadguruJaggiVasudev, BAPS, Swadhyay, Hare Krishna and Brahmakumaris are playing an important role in spreading Indian cultural values of universal brotherhood and global family. As a young student, Hiten found it fascinating to see the educated and smart youngsters give up their career to protect cultural values and spread the message of Universal Brotherhood and peace as BAPS monks. Later as CEO of his company, Hiten visited BAPS Swaminarayan temples in several countries around the world.
Hiten has taken several of his international trade partners and foreigners to BAPS temples to give them a quick introduction of India’s age-old message of global peace and harmony & taste of Indian food. Most foreigners want to learn about Indian culture, practices and food.
HitenBhuta’s extraordinary skills at presenting ideas, ability to understand global business challenges & technological trends enables him to play a leading role at FICCI. This critical work has enabled hundreds of business leaders to gain access to new market, developed trade deals worth millions of dollars and brought together people of diverse culture and background. His innovative reports on Information Technology and Public Policy has helped industry to communicate new perspective and ideas to the Government. His critical role as National Committee Member for Information Technology has allowed Hiten to make tremendous contribution to important technology plans and events.
Using business enterprise as an instrument for global peace and harmony is a revolutionary business idea that has created lasting results for India and other nations. Mr. Hiten Bhuta, revolutionary business leader has contributed outstandingly to global trade and harmony for over two-and-a-half decades.
Hiten Bhuta born in an affluent Gujarati family of entrepreneurs is a 3rd generation business leader. His grandfather, Haribhai was stalwart in steel trade & owner of factories, his father HareshBhuta was engaged in exports & import business & Hiten co-founded Technology Enterprise with his brother – Bhavish. After growing his business through innovation, excellence in customer service and effective team building, Hiten pursued his passion for global peace & harmony by taking up a critical role in important trade bodies such as FICCI and US-India Importers Council.
Hiten’s engagement with FICCI started in the year 2000 after he expanded his technology business in the United States. Hiten has played a leading role at FICCI in various capacities as a national committee member for IT, contributor for policy papers, liaison with Government, panelist, speaker, judge, leader of trade delegation and technology partner for FICCI events.
His well-researched and unique ideas on Information Technology policy have always received appreciation from Government bodies and policy makers. His ability to confidently lead business delegation & present case for free trade has made significant impact on program participants & senior leaders.
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