Work from home is where the employee can do his or her job from home. It gives a flexible working hour to the employee and also, the job is done with ease. Lately, work from home has become a part of every person’s life who is employed in any kind of business, profession and employment. Meanwhile, it has also become very stressful and pressurizing.
Several companies are reaching out to counsellors and psychiatrists to help those employees stressed about working from home, as an extended lock down period starts taking a toll on their emotional well-being.
Leading companies in India are proactively assuring employees that they will be taken care of financially while the lock down continues or even if it gets extended. From paying advance salary to both regular and contractual workers a week before the usual salary credit date to honoring joining date commitment for new joiners even if they aren’t able to come on board, companies are going out of their ways to reassure employees. “Stalled projects and work irregularities will not come in the way of salary payments”, confirmed HR heads of top business groups.
A survey summarised in Microsoft whitepaper, WORK WITHOUT WALLS indicates the top 10 benefits of work from home from the employee viewpoint in reverse order:

10. Environmentally friendly {23%}: Some people lack focus and are not able to concentrate on their work. Working at home gives them a peace of mind and less pressure.
9. More time with family {29%}: Most of the employees feel bad that they are not able to spend time with their families. Work from home has given them the opportunity to bond with their loved ones.
8. Less stressful environment {38%}: Under the boss’s pressure and the colleagues, people tend to get under a lot of pressure which affects their mental health and sometimes it also leads to depression. During work from home, one can do work in a less stressful environment, an environment which is favourable to them.
7. Quieter atmosphere {43%}: A lot of noise makes some people very uncomfortable and irritates them. Working in your house, alone in a room eliminates the challenge of working in a noisy place.
6. Eliminate long commute {44%}: Travelling long distances takes up a lot of time and sometimes the person gets irritated and angry which is obviously not good for health. Waking up in the morning, doing your work at home sounds a lot easier and comfortable.
5. Less distractions {44%}: Obviously, in a place where there are lesser number of people, there would be fewer distractions and more focus.
4. More productive {44%}: When there are less distractions, less stress, environment friendly, there is a scope for better and productive work. Happy mind produces good thoughts.
3. Avoid traffic {47%}: Traffic can give you a severe headache and sometimes, one gets late. Working from home saves you from this problem.
2. Save gas {55%}: With no vehicles on road, a lot of gas is getting saved which is a brilliant thing for our nature.
1. Work/home balance {60%}: Staying at home helps you to maintain a balance between the two. One should also do household chores and stay at their homes as well as keep doing their jobs at home.